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Are alpacas harmed?Updated a year ago

We're working with PACOMARCA for the best practices in raising and shearing alpacas. A special technique called Inca Esquila is used with each alpaca. This mechanized process reduces stress and time spent working with the alpaca. It has been adopted officially by the Peruvian government as the national technical standard on shearing (NTP 231.370-2014).


We only shear the alpacas once a year and don't shear the alpaca all the way to the skin, so they stay cozy!

We currently donate 1% of all sales to AIA, working directly with these farmers to ensure mechanized electric shearing is used to minimize stress + shearing time. Please remember alpacas need to be shorn once annually - it’s part of their hygiene. Without it, they become immobilized and risk overheating and parasitic infections around the breach.

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